A BLOG? Really?!? Why would you write a blog? You’re “Just Renee”.
Truth is it just came to me. Sitting at work, pushing payroll paperwork and trying to sift through all that was swirling through my brain, I thought to myself, “Boy, you could write a book!” But, being a sufferer of self-diagnosed adult ADD and basic blonde scatter-brained-ness, that is out of the question. (At least for now) ;) And so, a blog it is. Throw it at the wall and see what sticks..…or something like that.
You see, 2 ½ years ago I found Facebook. Not an original tale, I know. But it gave me an outlet, a voice so to speak. I could post on my wall all the things I wanted to say out loud but that weren’t always situationally appropriate or even worth the breath it would take to say it out loud. You know, the random “Blah, it’s raining and I don’t want to be out of bed” or “Anyone seen that new Bradley Cooper (YUM!) movie?” or even “Good Morning!” And it appeared that there were others just like me! People actually said “Good Morning” in return! Now THAT was refreshing! And look out world when I could post from my mobile device…HA! Now I could share my excitement over a deliciously refreshing iced mocha on a hot summer day, or pictures of my ridiculously cute children playing badminton in the back yard. (I thought this was spelled badmitton, hmmm).
What I learned from my Facebook addiction was that it felt better to get it out. Even of it wasn’t necessarily festering. Saying how I felt about something and getting reassuring feedback, that I wasn’t the only one to feel that way. Or to voice an opinion that hit someone’s nerve and have it open a dialogue. I LOVE that!
I’m an over talker, an over explainer, an over analyzer. I’m opinionated. I’m passionate about my beliefs. I’m overly emotional. I’m a lover, I give all I have and pray that it comes back, although it never seems to work that way. But that’s ok. I know that I'm not the only one. And it makes me feel better to know that. Maybe I can make someone feel better when they realize that they aren't either.
What will my blog be about? I have no idea. I don’t have a plan. I will write once a week at a minimum. I will always be honest. I will never be someone that I am not. I have learned A LOT of life lessons in my 40 years on this planet. I hope that my musings will entertain, educate, open lines of debate, give insight, make you laugh, maybe you’ll cry.
I welcome feedback, topic ideas, Q&A sessions would be awesome, although truth be told, I am a jack of all trades and a master at nothing! LOL! I suspect “Crazy’s” personality may morph and change, kinda like my moods.
So….. welcome to my roller coaster! I hope the journey is worth your while. <3
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